Sunday 4 August 2013

SSD Vs HDD - Which One is Better?

The (HDD) Hard Disk Drive era draws to a close. Solid State Drives (SSDs) are faster, more reliable, use less energy and are far more dependable than their predecessor. With no moving parts, the SSD lasts longer and generates less heat. Shock and vibration resistant, again the SSD outperforms the HDD. And as with all Computer products, the prices have come down dramatically.

SSD Vs HDD - Which One is Better

Solid State Drive (SSD) Outperforms Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

The Solid State Drive (SSD) is an upgrade that all computer users need to consider. Over the years, the standard physical Hard Disk Drives (HDD) have gotten progressively larger in capacity but have not kept pace with the need for increased speed. Relativistically speaking, this makes HDDs seem slower because the drive is being asked to load larger and larger programs and data files but at nearly the same speed.

Just as the IDE-Hard Disk Drives were rapidly phased-out, so are SATA-HDDs destined soon to disappear. The reason? Solid State Drives are more reliable than their mechanical predecessors, operate much cooler, are more rugged, they last longer and most importantly, operate at speeds approaching 100X faster than the physical Hard Drive.

Heat is the #1 Enemy of Hard Disk Drives

Every standard Hard Disk Drive is composed of multiple stacked disks made of either an aluminum or ceramic-like material, forming what is each called a 'platter.'

When loading programs or searching for data, these platters must 'spin' on their axis to move the data storage area to the swing-arm where the data is read. Depending upon the model and speed of the Hard disk Drive, the rotation of the platters can range from around 5,400 to 12,000RPM (rotations per minute.) This movement generates a small amount of waste heat.

Solid State Drives produce virtually no heat as there are no moving parts. While a Hard Disk Drive has a longevity of years under normal usage, a working Hard Disk Drive with its moving parts heats up rather quickly and over time, this heat can lead to hard-drive failure.

Optimization of the HDD and Heat?

A properly optimized Hard Disk Drive will place your oft-used files nearer the outer edges of the platter(s) and your seldom-used files nearer the hub. The arrangement reduces what is called rotational latency (time for the swing-arm to find/read the necessary file(s.) An optimized HDD reduces movement of the platters and swing-arm for faster data rendering and reduces movement/heat generation.

No matter how well your Hard disk Drive is optimized, even normal use generats heat, and the unit eventually wears down. Hard Disk Drive failure and potentially a loss of data can result.

Your Hard Disk Drive is the most vulnerable part of your computer because of heat and moving-parts related problems. Solid State Drives have no moving parts and generates virtually no heat.

SSD Has the Superior Advantage

Where reliability is the name of the game, the Solid State Drive wins. The SSD is bubble memory, -very much like thumb drives/memory sticks, compact flash/SD cards. If you have ever used a USB stick/thumbdrive, or SD-card, you know that your computer reads/writes to it many times faster than your standard Hard Disk Drive is capable of. Imagine your entire Operating System on a SSD. Therein in one of the most notable advantages of SSD: it is approximately 100X faster than the standard HDD.

With superior shock/vibration resistance, a SSD is less likely to be damaged from the bumps and thumps that can happen to a laptop computer. SSDs when called to service don't require that initial head-spin or spin-up time to reach operational speed like a standard Hard Drive does, so seek and latency issues are greatly reduced. A Solid State Drive uses far less energy in operation so your laptop battery last longer too.

Lastly, the Solid State Drive weighs-in less than the comparable Hard Disk Drive. Your laptop will weigh less, load and run programs faster, will operate cooler and the battery life will be longer between charging. Your data is far safer from loss than with the almost-obsolete magnetic-material coated and moving-parts Hard Disk Drive. You'll never face the possibility of a head-crash either (where the swing-arm makes physical contact with the magnetic media, destroying any data in that region.)

With prices for Solid State Drives having come down dramatically in recent years, replacing your outdated SATA-Hard Disk Drive with a SATA-SSD seems the only logical choice.

How Easy is it to Replace a HDD for a SSD?

To replace your computer's HDD for a SDD, you need a clone kit. This is simply a short USB/SATA cable, and an installation CD disk. You place the CD disk in your computer's CD tray, and shut it down.

Attach the SATA-end of the cable to your new SSD drive, and the other end (USB) to any available USB port of your computer. Turn your computer on, which now boots from the CD-disk. Following the instructions on the CD-disk, you select the drive you want to mirror, or clone, to the destination drive (your SSD.)

When the cloning operation is complete, shut down your computer and follow the computer manufacturer's instructions for replacing the internal HDD with the new SATA-SSD drive. This entails basically removing the battery, un-installing the HDD and reinstalling the SDD in its place, and reinstalling the battery.

Re-boot the computer and you are now running the exact same operating system with all your files and bookmarks, -everything you had before, -but on a new SSD drive! It's that easy!

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